Financial Support

If you have inflammatory arthritis, you may find that you need extra help to get about or care for yourself. These needs may lead to extra expenses. Your inflammatory arthritis might mean you are unable to work, or that you may need support to stay in work. However, there is help available.

Canada Pension Plan (CPP) Disability Benefits

You may be eligible for disability benefits from different sources.

These benefits may help you with the cost of caring for yourself when living with a disability.

An access to work grant can cover such costs as:

  • special aids or equipment for employment
  • adaptations to the equipment you already use
  • help with travel to and from work if you can’t use public transport
  • a support worker to provide help in the workplace

Income support

Income support is available to limited groups of people, including caregivers and lone parents with very young children. Income support is a means-tested benefit designed to provide a basic income. You can receive income support on its own if you have no other income, or can top up on other benefits.

Housing benefit

If you have a low income, whether or not you are working, and need help paying your rent, you can claim Housing Benefit.

If you are claiming Income Support, unemployment insurance, RDSP or Pension Credit, you can claim housing benefit at the same time, otherwise you can get claim forms from your local council.

Help with health costs

Depending on your circumstances, you may qualify for financial help with the following:

  • prescriptions
  • vouchers for glasses or contact lenses
  • hospital travel fares

The Benefits Finder can help you get a customized list of benefits for which you may be eligible. The Benefits Finder may suggest benefits from federal, provincial, or territorial governments, and does not collect or track your information.

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Tips and Resources

Tips and Resources

Get support from patient organisations and answers to frequently asked questions (FAQs)

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Living With Inflammatory Arthritis

Living With Inflammatory Arthritis

Living with inflammatory arthritis can be challenging, but support is available

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Diagnosing Inflammatory Arthritis

Diagnosing Inflammatory Arthritis

Your doctor will use several scans and tests to diagnose inflammatory arthritis

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